Do I Qualify?

How Do I Qualify For Free Boiler and Insulation Grant

You can qualify for free boiler and insulation grants under government ECO4 funding grants.

Grants are available for home owners and privately rented properties of low energy ratings (EPC rating of D, E, F, and G) subject to income and benefits related eligibility criteria and retrofit assessment survey.

Free ECO4 and Warmer Homes Grants are available for following energy efficiency measures.


Under Govt. ECO4 and Warmer Homes Energy Grants.

Gas Boiler Replacement (For Non-Condensing Boiler Only)

Smart Heating Controls

First Time Central Heating (Upgrade from Electric Room or Storage heaters)

Heat Pumps (Air Source Heat Pump for Central Heating for Suitable Properties)

External or Internal wall Insulation

Cavity Wall Insulation

Under Floor Insulation

Loft Insulation

Solar PV (Subjects to Suitability criteria)

Solar water (Subject to Suitability criteria)

List of the Qualifying Benefits

Any member in the household must be either receiving one of the following DWP benefits or should meet the maximum annual household income criteria listed below

Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Pension Guaranteed Credit
Pension Saving Credit
Income Support
Income related Employment Support Allowance
Income based Job Seekers Allowance
Household income is less than £31K after deduction of Tax and NI.
Housing Benefits
Child Benefits with less than the following income as per number of children;

No. of Children Single Claimant Couple
1 £19,900 £27,500
2 £24,800 £32,300
3 £29,600 £37,200
4+ £34,500 £42,000


Any member of household or family living at the property must receive any one of the qualifying benefit.



Apply today and find out if you are eligible

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0203 4888 203

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